Time for Prayer for Barak Obama

This prayer was written and shared throughout the Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends over the past month. Arthur Robert, the patriarchal prophet and pastor for the Yearly Meeting penned this prayer.

Prayer for President Obama

Lord God, we pray for President Barack Obama. We praise you for the gifts you have nurtured in him: to think clearly, to speak eloquently, to interact effectively. Guide him, God, to use these skills both wisely and well as he leads our nation and serves our world. Thank you for his bright summons to audacious hope.

May we citizens bracket that vision with faith and love, so that civility and justice mark our nation's journey into an unknown and somewhat scary future.

May the glare of publicity never blind him to truth. May political power never dull empathy with ordinary people. May pride of position never corrode his conscience. Warn him, Lord, when evils, disguised as good, tempt him to stray from what is right and true. Teach him to backtrack from wrong turns amiably, but to follow right roads tenaciously.

Strengthen his commitment to servant leadership. May neither acclaim nor criticism tarnish his congeniality. Show him patterns of patience that tarry but do not dawdle. When he is tired and stressed, refresh him, Lord, in his body, in his mind, in his spirit. When alone he wrestles over difficult ethical and policy issues may this follower of Jesus heed his Master's guiding voice.

Oh, and Lord, in busy times remind President Obama of his heart-felt pledge and studied practice: to be an attentive and loving husband and father.


Craig Morton
pastor, husband, dad, consultant, discernmentarian, cooking hobbyist, sports-junkie and happy dog owner (both as I have a happy dog and I am happy to have a dog)



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