
Conversations and community can become sources for imagination and creative living. Through blogs, podcast, and other media, missionplace media becomes a place where divergent interests and ideas can create unexpected and delightful combinations.


  • A painting of several sailors on a boat at sea with rough waters.

    To the Other Side Podcast

    As a Substack channel, To the Other Side faces challenges that are commonplace and some that are unique, and asks what does hope look like in this place? What does getting to the other side of our challenges look like and how do we begin to get there?

    Inspired by Rembrandt’s painting, The Sea of Galilee, illustrating a fishing boat that experienced a challenge in getting to the other side. It made it. And so can we.

  • A painting similar to The Creation of Adam, with one person holding a loaf of bread and the other holding an American football.

    All That's Holy Blue Collar Podcast

    Hopefully a thoughtful conversation with unexpected connections: NFL draft and the nature of the Divine; preaching as outlined in baking recipes; batting averages, what triple-doubles have to do with what it means to be a community of mutual accountability. We are allergic to big words, but not big ideas. DISCLAIMER: Profound things will be said, but it will be entirely by accident.

  • A colorful painting of a dirt path and a rocky mountain range.

    Not Holier Than You Podcast

    With Karla Morton and Craig Morton

    What does it mean to be human? Underneath all the roles and identities we carry as human beings, we are all a part of God’s family. And in being human, understanding what it means to be human, we can deepen our relationships, work toward healing our broken communities and world with justice and compassion, and share in creating spaces of reconciliation and peace.

A narrow wooden path cutting through the woods.

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A collection of ideas, motivated by hope, moving toward flourishing organizations, community, and civic life. It's all a process.