Our Services

Every consultation is as unique as the people we serve and the communities in which they live, work, and play.

What We Love to Do

  • Change Processes

  • Organizational and Professional Transition Guide

  • Purposeful Choices and Thoughtful Discernment

  • Organizational Behavior, Communication, & Formation

  • Coaching: Encouraging & Mentoring

  • Vision and Mission Development

  • Conflict Transformation

  • Leadership Development

  • Holistic Transformation

Consulting Services

Below is an overview of consulting options. Process consulting is the guiding practice. Many work in combination. There are differences depending on the type of interaction and the length of the work. Costs are always negotiable and we take into consideration the fiscal constraints organizations may be facing due to size, health, and other factors.

Observational Consulting

There’s a tradition among Quakers called “the spirit of the meeting.” There are times when a third-party observer is needed to gain perspective on the tone, tenor, and unspoken messages in an organization. Organizations benefit from having a trained and experienced additional perspective.

Process Consulting

At the heart of any of the consulting relationships, a process consulting perspective is foundational. Rather than entering as a subject-matter expert, process consulting begins with humble inquiry, deep listening, and developing transformational processes in partnership with clients and leaders.

Conflict Transformation

Conflict is inevitable. But damaging conflict is not. Conflict transformation, as opposed to conflict management, or conflict mediation, looks at the system. Each conflict has a history, a set of relationships, that if left unaddressed will lead to other conflicts. Transforming relationships and organizations prepares for the inevitable conflicts to come, and reduces the damage. Conflicts can even become opportunities for creativity and innovation.


Frequently, in conversation with clients, through process consulting and observations, needs for organizational education and development arise. The intention is to provide a wider audience with exposure to both ideas and activities which address specifically identified areas and needs. Seminars and retreats are highly customizable to address interests that are integral to your organization.


The retainer agreement will be set for six month or 12 month contracts. Organizations will pay for a set number of hours for consulting services per month. Hours not utilized within the contracted period will be lost. Consulting services exceeding the retained amount of time will be charged at a reduced rate (some exceptions apply).

Ready to get started?

Schedule a call today to see how we can help.