Day 2 - The Christmas Season Devotionals

December 27

Scripture Reading: John 3:1-21

The song continues with, “On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to me...Two Turtledoves.”

Doves are beautiful birds. The cooing of doves is soothing and calming. White doves have for centuries represented, peace. The two turtledoves mentioned in the song, represent the Old and New Testaments, which together bear witness to God's self-revelation in history and the creation of a people to tell the story of God to the world. Each of the biblical divisions has its place in revealing much about God and his human creation. We see from the opening pages of Genesis, right through the last word of The Revelation of John God's gracious love and desire for relationship.

God, our “true love,” not only gave to us his son but he provided through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit a record, a word that would be for all generations a guide to faith and practice. These ancient documents delivered through priests, prophets, and apostles provide words of comfort, instruction, exhortation, confrontation, and conviction, all intended to lead us to the Prince of Peace.

Action Point: Reflect upon the importance and value of both testaments in your life. What role have they played even this week as you continue the adventure of your life in Christ?

Day 3 - The Christmas Season Devotionals


Day 1 - Christmas Season Devotionals