episode 7: We'll leave the light on for you

Episode Seven: We’ll leave the light on

(Disclaimer: During the recording of the conversation, there were some issues with Internet quality. It may be annoying but suffer through it and you’ll be rewarded with enlightenment.)

We still want to be a part of God’s project of reconciling the alienated human family of God. Rather trying to teach the techniques of becoming a better listener, we wondered about going deeper into understanding God’s intention of human beings as co-humanity, working on strategy more than tactics, foundations and not just practices.

Humans are fully human in relationship. Genesis 1.26-27 continues to be the touchstone and the counter-myth of Babylonian gods and highlight God’s original intention for humankind. Over the past couple weeks, during our conversations, we became curious about the tradition of the inner, or inward light that is central to the Society of the Friends, more widely known as Quakers, or just Friends.

This week, Karla and I sat down for a conversation with a couple of friends, Dr Carole Spencer, and Dr Colin Saxton. And both of these friends are Friends. Carole is a retired, but still teaching, professor of Christian Spiritual Formation. Colin is a recorded Friends minister having served in domestic and international roles, and now is a stewardship consultant for Everence. Both reside in Oregon.

What we are curious about:

1) what is the inner light?

2) is this from creation or only for Jesus’ followers?

3) Is there scripture that provides foundation for this interpretation?

4) does understanding the inner light affect practices of pastoral care, spiritual formation, justice and equity, human rights, empathy and compassion, as well as engaging in the missio dei?

Some ideas for consideration:

View the following video on Youtube about this Friends’ distinctive, the inward light. Then consider this statement from one the early founders of the Society of Friends, James Nayler.

Art thou in the Darkness? Mind it not, for if thou dost it will fill thee more, but stand still and act not, and wait in patience till Light arises out of Darkness to lead thee. Art thou wounded in conscience? Feed not there, but abide in the Light which leads to Grace and Truth, which teaches to deny, and puts off the weight, and removes the cause, and brings saving health to Light. (James Nayler, ca. 1650)



Isaiah 42.6; Isaiah 49.6

John 1.4-5; 9

“That of God”

Romans 1.16-20

Craig Morton
pastor, husband, dad, consultant, discernmentarian, cooking hobbyist, sports-junkie and happy dog owner (both as I have a happy dog and I am happy to have a dog)

episode 8: Empathy is not a sin


Episode Six: Reconciling, pt 2