episode 38 Greg Kendall-Ball on Cricket, Truth, and Photography

Cody and Craig have a winding conversation with New York Times photo-editor, Greg Kendall-Ball. Greg perspective on the world is not limited to a viewfinder. Having grown up in South Africa and coming the States in order to attend college, Greg might not see life in the United States the way others do. We dip into the world of cricket (the sport, not the bug) as well as discuss the nature of truth in a post-truth world, acknowledging the challenges existing for journalist.

Greg also provides helpful distinctions between photography as art and as journalism. Greg is a photojournalist, not an artist. We also ask Greg our standard Five Questions. Someday, we hope to enjoy his carbonara with homemade pasta.

Follow Greg Kendal-Ball on Facebook and Instagram. Spending time on Greg’s Instragram allows you to see his fine work.

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