Episode 006: The All That's Holy Blue Collar Podacst with Daisy Rain Martin
Episode 006: The All That's Holy Blue Collar Podcast
In this episode Cody and Craig confess something that is unthinkable...their lack of enthusiasm for the beginning of football season. Hopefully they're getting over it. They share their gratitude regarding "the most wonderful time of the year." And Cody interviews writer, advocate, teacher, and Hope Giver, Daisy Rain Martin. We finish it off with a Two-Minute Warning debating the value of swearing. Go to our Facebook page to add your opinions on the matter.
Also, we're giving away a copy of Daisy Rain Martin's book, Hope Givers: Hope is Here. Here's the deal.
The message of hope can NEVER be shared too much. We want to flood social media with it, and you can help! Every person who shares a link to this episode of All That's Holy: Blue Collar Podcast on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram will be entered into a drawing for a signed copy of Daisy's book Hope Givers: Hope is Here. Anyone sharing a picture of a hope giver in action with the link gets DOUBLE entry! In order to qualify, you must use the hashtag #AllThatsHope. Open for U.S. residents only (or international, but outside the US, winners can only get a digital copy).
Make sure to also listen to the full and unedited interview.
This week we have the pleasure of learning about the life and work of Daisy Rain Martin. Cody's interview with Daisy revolves around one of the most painful and damaging event a person can experience. Daisy's process of turning abuse into hope is life-giving and joyful. Through the journey, Daisy not only finds transformation, but shares the transformation as a Hope Giver. Daisy writes:
It is the best of things. I’ve learned that we Hope Givers are, in fact, quite flawed. We don’t always win. We are scarred and weathered and bruised from life’s battles, and sometimes we even feel as if we are barely getting by, if you want to know the truth. Hope Givers have an absolute willingness to intentionally and deliberately put themselves in close proximity with people who are in pain, for the sole purpose – dare I say, the soul purpose – of pouring hope into the lives of those they love. And even for some they don’t even know. Or don’t even like. In sitting with people in their pain, I’ve come to realize what it truly means to be a Hope Giver...." (http://www.daisyrainmartin.com/about-me/).
Learn more about Hope Givers and the work of Daisy Rain Martin at her website and other social media outlets: On Facebook; Twitter; YouTube; Pintrest; and Instagram.
Music you should really listen to, because we did, and we have great taste. Check out the artists titles mentioned in this episode.
Rachel Platten: Stand By You, is something of a theme song for Daisy. Learn more about Rachel Platten at: https://rachelplatten.com/; check out her merch; or visit iTunes
Relient K: Back with their uncanny ability to turn a phrase and make you smile, even on a song about struggling with failure and sadness - Bummin'. Check out their latest album, find their merch, and get their music at iTunes.
Henri Mancini: Reaching in the way-back machine, this is song is in honor of Toot Thielmanns passing last month. Learn more about his revolutionary jazz career at: http://www.tootsthielemans.com/ and you can find Moon River with Henri Mancini on iTunes.
Caught a Ghost: Can't Let Go was discovered by watching the Amazon series, Bosch, Caught a Ghost, has a real deal noir sound perfect for a dark and moody detective show, or just to kick back at the end of the day. Learn more about Caught a Ghost at: http://www.caughtaghost.com/ and iTunes.